Hi Guys! Wanted to let you know that I used my first sign yesterday - for the word "more." Mommy was very excited! She has been trying to teach me some signs since I was about 8 months old (she says she wishes she were more consistent with it, though). Anyway, I think its pretty neat, so now I use that sign all the time. Mommy hopes I learn the signs for "all done" and "diaper" soon. She says that would help us communicate a bunch.
I am also still working on my words. I finally learned how to say "yes" yesterday. We'll see if I get as good at saying and using it as I am with "no." It also sounded like I was trying to say "kitty" yesterday when I was playing with my friend Clayton's cat. I am parroting all kinds of words I hear adults using. Its fun to be like the big people!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
I'm 13 Months Old!
Gosh, I am 13 months old already! Seems like my birthday party was just a few days ago. Well, I've been busy this last month. First, I caught a case of roseola, a virus that causes fever and a rash, right around my birthday. The doctor saw my rash at my appointment and diagnosed it. She said I must have had a mild case since it barely affected me. Then me and the rents went to San Diego for Thanksgiving. See the details in the post below. All of us had fun. But, I caught another germ and got sick on the plane ride back. I've had a yucky head cold for the last 2 weeks but am getting better. Guess I am building up my immune system. Cold season is no fun!
These days I am working on using my spoon and fork (I'm not that interested most of the time), shaking my head no and saying no (Mama wishes I'd learn how to say yes), getting people to laugh and laughing when I want to be silly, getting into every nook and cranny of the house (I love the stuff in Daddy's bathroom organizer, pulling the CD's down off their shelves, and trying to un-decorate the Christmas tree), practicing throwing my ball, singing and dancing along to music, saying Yeah randomly, squealing, and talking babytalk like I'm actually having a conversation.
Oh, since Mama forgot to give you my 12 month stats at my doc appointment, here they are: Height - 30.5 inches (75th percentile), Weight - 23lbs. 10oz. (70th percentile), head circumference - 17.75 inches (25th percentile). If you look back at my 9 month stats, it look like I barely grew in length or head circumference these last 2 months! But you might remember that Mommy said that the nurse that month was very generous with her measurements so they weren't very accurate. The doctor said this same thing when she saw my numbers this time. Oh, and my 4th top front tooth finally popped through the other day. That makes 6 total. Mommy is wondering where my other 2 bottom front teeth are hiding!
I think that covers it! I hope I feel all better soon so I can go play with my friends again. I miss playgroup! I was going to go today but now we have a little ice storm outside to deal with so it was canceled. Bummer! Oh, I saw snow for the first time a few days ago. Weird stuff! We sent out Christmas cards to lots of people and I've enjoyed looking at the cards and pictures we're getting in return. Mommy tells me to wish you all Happy Holidays!
These days I am working on using my spoon and fork (I'm not that interested most of the time), shaking my head no and saying no (Mama wishes I'd learn how to say yes), getting people to laugh and laughing when I want to be silly, getting into every nook and cranny of the house (I love the stuff in Daddy's bathroom organizer, pulling the CD's down off their shelves, and trying to un-decorate the Christmas tree), practicing throwing my ball, singing and dancing along to music, saying Yeah randomly, squealing, and talking babytalk like I'm actually having a conversation.
Oh, since Mama forgot to give you my 12 month stats at my doc appointment, here they are: Height - 30.5 inches (75th percentile), Weight - 23lbs. 10oz. (70th percentile), head circumference - 17.75 inches (25th percentile). If you look back at my 9 month stats, it look like I barely grew in length or head circumference these last 2 months! But you might remember that Mommy said that the nurse that month was very generous with her measurements so they weren't very accurate. The doctor said this same thing when she saw my numbers this time. Oh, and my 4th top front tooth finally popped through the other day. That makes 6 total. Mommy is wondering where my other 2 bottom front teeth are hiding!
I think that covers it! I hope I feel all better soon so I can go play with my friends again. I miss playgroup! I was going to go today but now we have a little ice storm outside to deal with so it was canceled. Bummer! Oh, I saw snow for the first time a few days ago. Weird stuff! We sent out Christmas cards to lots of people and I've enjoyed looking at the cards and pictures we're getting in return. Mommy tells me to wish you all Happy Holidays!
Happy Belated Thanksgiving Everyone!
Hi Everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We sure did. I got fly for the third time! We went out to San Diego, CA to my uncle Daren's place. It was so much fun! Uncle Daren is silly and tried to teach me how to run really fast. He also gave me many rides around on his shoulders. His girlfriend, Anna, is my new best friend. She is so nice. She snuggled me and played with me lots. I liked exploring Uncle Daren's new condo. He has steps so I climbed those a bunch. I'd rather skip the coming down on my own part, though. Climbing up the stairs = fun; climbing down the stairs = a waste of my time. I also got to hang out with my Grandma and Grandpa Laub and they were fun as always. They even babysat me one evening which went fine. I fell asleep on Grandpa's chest. We got visit my mom's friend Kim from grad school who also lives in San Diego. I liked playing with her sons Max and Miles. Uncle Daren also showed us the beach and ocean and the Wild Animal Park. We saw lots of animals there, but I think the gorillas were my favorite. I got to pet some of the animals, too. Cool! It was an awesome trip. I enjoyed my Thanksgiving dinner including the turkey, sweet potatoes (my old favorite), and pumpkin pie (a new favorite). I think I am most thankful for my family since they are a bunch of really nice people. Wish I could see everyone more often. The only downside to the whole trip was on the way back home. I got a fever on the plane, but it didn't really bother me too much. I slept during both flights which was a relief to Mommy and Daddy. So, I've been sick with a head cold for the last 2 weeks. Yucky. But its finally going away. Mommy wonders if it was one cold or 2 in a row. I sure was a snotty bugger for a while. It made it really hard for me to breathe at night when I was sleeping. Mommy says that's what she gets for taking me on a plane twice in the matter of a month. Yucky airplane air plus new germs as well as all the excitement and energy wipe-out that comes with vacations means I was susceptible to getting something. Maybe I should be thankful for my health as well. Happy Thanksgiving - hope you are as blessed as I am!
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
Friday, November 09, 2007
Happy Birthday To Me!!!!
I am 1 year old today!!! Yeh! I'm now a toddler. Peace out - I gotta go party!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Another Haircut Before My Birthday
Just got another haircut an hour ago. That makes number 3. Mama thought I needed to spiffy up before my doctor's appointment tomorrow and my party on Sunday. She says I was too shaggy. She was scared to give the haircut this time because it was more involved (she had to trim around my ears) and I move more now. But, it turned out pretty good again. Check out the pics.

Oh, please keep your fingers crossed for us. The party decor for my birthday was supposed to arrive today or tomorrow and now the tracking info. says it won't come until Monday. That's a day too late for the party which would be a major bummer. Let's hope the estimate is wrong and it gets here tomorrow or Saturday. Mom talked to customer service and if it gets here too late, she can send it all back and get her money back but she would be sad. Please, post office, get me my package fast!
Oh, please keep your fingers crossed for us. The party decor for my birthday was supposed to arrive today or tomorrow and now the tracking info. says it won't come until Monday. That's a day too late for the party which would be a major bummer. Let's hope the estimate is wrong and it gets here tomorrow or Saturday. Mom talked to customer service and if it gets here too late, she can send it all back and get her money back but she would be sad. Please, post office, get me my package fast!
Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot!
I have been grumpy this week. Mama thought it was just teething. Then, Tuesday evening, I developed a fever of 102 degrees. Uh oh, Mama thought, maybe Nicky's getting sick. Other than the fever, I didn't show many other signs of illness other than a very slightly stuffy nose. My parents let the fever do it job and it seemed to work. By morning my fever had broken. I did get some Tylenol to help me sleep at about midnight. I also had some diarrhea the next day but nothing too bad. I think I am pretty much over whatever was going on. My immune system must be working!
In other news, another tooth has popped through. Its my other front tooth on the left side. That's number 5 for those how are counting. Man, I wish my toofers would give me a break for a while. This teething stuff is hard work! Mama says the fourth top tooth looks to be popping through soon. Mama says they are just trying to catch up since I started teething a little later than is usual.
Today is the last day of the first year of my life. This year went crazy fast! I go to the pediatrician tomorrow and we are having a party with some of my friends on Sunday. Don't worry, we'll post lots of pictures!
In other news, another tooth has popped through. Its my other front tooth on the left side. That's number 5 for those how are counting. Man, I wish my toofers would give me a break for a while. This teething stuff is hard work! Mama says the fourth top tooth looks to be popping through soon. Mama says they are just trying to catch up since I started teething a little later than is usual.
Today is the last day of the first year of my life. This year went crazy fast! I go to the pediatrician tomorrow and we are having a party with some of my friends on Sunday. Don't worry, we'll post lots of pictures!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween plus some more teeth
Happy Halloween everyone! And happy birthday to my uncle Daren who is 28 today! Well, I am going to dress up as a... wait for it... Monkey today. You know, since Mom and Dad always call me that anyway, they figure its a fitting costume. Anyway, here are few pics.

In other news, my two top front teeth popped through (one Monday and one today) so now I have 4 teeth total. My bottom teeth are fully visible now so here's a picture of that.

Still recovering from our vacay in Orlando - it was super fun. I really liked the Disney characters and all the animals at Seaworld. I'll have a slide show and post on the vacation later. Peace out for now.
In other news, my two top front teeth popped through (one Monday and one today) so now I have 4 teeth total. My bottom teeth are fully visible now so here's a picture of that.
Still recovering from our vacay in Orlando - it was super fun. I really liked the Disney characters and all the animals at Seaworld. I'll have a slide show and post on the vacation later. Peace out for now.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Oops! Turned 11 Months
Oopsie! I turned 11 months old on Tuesday and forgot to post my specs. Well, according to the not-always-accurate Mommy measurements, I am 30.5 inches long and the scale says I am 24 pounds about. I have had busy month with: teething (2 and counting), walking (I am getting good at it and pretty brave), exploring (T-R-O-U-B-L-E, I now do stairs), playing (I attend 2 playgroups a week and I've had numerous playdates as of late), eating (Mommy wants to know why I like to eat paper so much), and being silly. I've clapped a few times but don't do it very often. I also like to squeal a bunch.
This coming month will be my last before I turn one! Time flies. There is some exciting stuff on the horizon, I am told. Daddy has a conference in Orlando the 20-25th and we are going with him. Disney World, here I come! When we get back, I get to trick-or-treat for the first time, although Mommy says no candy for me this year. Then, it will be time for my birthday party. I don't know what that is but Daddy keeps telling me I'm gonna like it. I'm going to my first birthday party this weekend for my friend, Lilly, so I guess I will get a preview for what I am in for.
This coming month will be my last before I turn one! Time flies. There is some exciting stuff on the horizon, I am told. Daddy has a conference in Orlando the 20-25th and we are going with him. Disney World, here I come! When we get back, I get to trick-or-treat for the first time, although Mommy says no candy for me this year. Then, it will be time for my birthday party. I don't know what that is but Daddy keeps telling me I'm gonna like it. I'm going to my first birthday party this weekend for my friend, Lilly, so I guess I will get a preview for what I am in for.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Tooth Number 2
My second front bottom tooth popped through today. Man, this teething thing ain't fun. I have been fairly decent to live with lately, but you can tell I'm in pain at times. I am always chewing on my fingers, drooling tons, and occasionally I'll let out a little whimper/whine to let everyone know that it still hurts. It is hard to sleep through the pain, and I let out a little cry in my sleep and roll over before settling down and drifting off again. Mama says, "Poor little buddy," and gives me my teething medication. Did I mention before that I love my teething tablets? They are the best. Sometimes, I go and find them if I can and bring them to Mom when I want them. I always smile when she opens up the bottle. And that Orajel stuff is helpful, too. It makes my gums and tongue numb which feels weird. We'll see if the top front teeth want to pop through soon or not. Well, I'm going to go watch the Bears. Peace out.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
I Have a Toofer
I got my first official tooth today. Owie!!! I have been teething this whole past month or so so its about time. I love my teething tablets! They really help. The bottom 2 front teeth buds have been swollen and really raised for a few weeks and you can see my teeth buds on the top too so there might be more on the way soon. Anyway, this first tooth is my bottom front left one. Mommy has been checking my gums with her finger every morning and this morning she felt the edge of the tooth. It hurts though, so I don't like her feeling it with her finger but I touch it a lot with my tongue. By this afternoon you could definitely see the little white edge above my gums. No way I am going to open up wide and let Mommy take a picture of it! I can not be bothered with such things.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
I'm Walking!!!
I just took 5 or 6 six steps across the living room while watching football on the television. Daddy had predicted I would walk at 3:24pm this afternoon so I was only about 6 hours late. Not too bad! Hopefully my parents will catch me in action on the video camera soon. Okay, back to football. Go Bears!
Sunday, September 09, 2007
10 Months Old - What a busy month!
Hi everyone! Wow, I've been busy this last month. I think it will take a few posts to really explain it all. Let's start out with my stats. I had my check-up at my pediatrician's office just last Tuesday. Now, I was almost 10 months old at this point so my percentiles might be a little skewed, but oh well. I weighed in at 22 pounds 11 oz. (75th percentile) which is cool. Momma thought I was at least 23 pounds by now because our scale at home said 23 pounds and Grandma Kathy's scale in Regent said 23.5 pounds! I am still pudgy but I am definitely getting longer and leaner. I am 30.25 inches long which is pretty tall - 95th percentile. My head measured 17.75 inches around. Mom thinks the nurse was being generous in her measurement there - its in the 50th percentile this time instead of the 25th percentile like all my past head circumference measurements.
In other developments, I am continuing to crawl everywhere my heart desires and at a really fast speed. You should see my butt wiggle from behind when I get going! I love cruising around furniture and am constantly pulling up on whatever I deem suitable for that purpose (my parents' legs, the toilet, the patio door, etc.). I can also stand on my own!! I can do it for as long as 4-5 seconds at a time. I stand the longest when I don't realize that I'm doing it. If I notice, I usually plop myself down or get wobbly and fall over. Walking should come soon. I love to walk around the house while holding onto my parents' fingers. I just love exploring in general. Mama noticed this month that I am noticing more and more new things and am really finding the world around me very interesting.
My speech is coming along. I currently am obsessed with g sounds. Ga, goo, ggggggh, etc. So, now I can do b's, d's, g's, ma's, and n's. My waving abilities depend on my mood, but I have also just started to clap now. That also depends on my mood! Oh, I love to watch commercials on the TV! Mama hates that. When the TV is on, whenever a commercial comes, I turn my head to see it, even when its on mute!! Mama wonders what's so magical about the commercials. Grandma Sharon said my dad liked commercials when he was a kid, too! Now he hates them. Go figure. My other likes include people, animals, and being outdoors. I am pretty social, although now I play shy at first before I turn on my charms. I will hide my face in Mama's shirt, then peak out and smile! I usually have no problem going to a new person, and I still enjoy being held until I decide its time to go crawling. I love, love, LOVE both dogs and cats and squeal with delight when I see them. I love to pet them. I say "eh, eh, eh" and crawl after them. In fact, I know how to pant like a doggy. I usually do that or use my fake cough to get attention or just to be cute. I also recently discovered my tongue and now love to stick out my tongue once again. At a playdate I had just this past Thursday, my friend Lilly who is a few weeks older than me was doing it and I thought it was pretty cool! Now I am doing it as often as possible. I also still enjoy making raspberry sounds.

Still no teeth though!! I think they are coming though. I have had a few crabby days and restless nights that seem to point to teething. Also, the pediatrician said that both my top and bottom gums are really swollen and you can feel the teeth buds. Maybe a bunch will come in at once? I don't know if that sounds fun. It doesn't keep me from eating, though. I can gum all kinds of soft, small pieces of fruits, cooked veggies, meats, breads/cereals. I am eating whenever my parents eat or else I get jealous, and most of the time it is what they eat, too, unless it is not baby-friendly.
Okay, this post is long enough. In the next one, I'll have to tell you all about the cool 2 week long trip Mom and I took to North Dakota. It was so much fun! I got to fly on a plane! So cool.
Before I go, a big birthday shout-out to my Grandpa Alfred, my cousin Savannah Wilson (the big 2), and my friend Olivia Miller who is 1 all have birthdays today. September 9th is a pretty special day! Check you later.
In other developments, I am continuing to crawl everywhere my heart desires and at a really fast speed. You should see my butt wiggle from behind when I get going! I love cruising around furniture and am constantly pulling up on whatever I deem suitable for that purpose (my parents' legs, the toilet, the patio door, etc.). I can also stand on my own!! I can do it for as long as 4-5 seconds at a time. I stand the longest when I don't realize that I'm doing it. If I notice, I usually plop myself down or get wobbly and fall over. Walking should come soon. I love to walk around the house while holding onto my parents' fingers. I just love exploring in general. Mama noticed this month that I am noticing more and more new things and am really finding the world around me very interesting.
My speech is coming along. I currently am obsessed with g sounds. Ga, goo, ggggggh, etc. So, now I can do b's, d's, g's, ma's, and n's. My waving abilities depend on my mood, but I have also just started to clap now. That also depends on my mood! Oh, I love to watch commercials on the TV! Mama hates that. When the TV is on, whenever a commercial comes, I turn my head to see it, even when its on mute!! Mama wonders what's so magical about the commercials. Grandma Sharon said my dad liked commercials when he was a kid, too! Now he hates them. Go figure. My other likes include people, animals, and being outdoors. I am pretty social, although now I play shy at first before I turn on my charms. I will hide my face in Mama's shirt, then peak out and smile! I usually have no problem going to a new person, and I still enjoy being held until I decide its time to go crawling. I love, love, LOVE both dogs and cats and squeal with delight when I see them. I love to pet them. I say "eh, eh, eh" and crawl after them. In fact, I know how to pant like a doggy. I usually do that or use my fake cough to get attention or just to be cute. I also recently discovered my tongue and now love to stick out my tongue once again. At a playdate I had just this past Thursday, my friend Lilly who is a few weeks older than me was doing it and I thought it was pretty cool! Now I am doing it as often as possible. I also still enjoy making raspberry sounds.
Still no teeth though!! I think they are coming though. I have had a few crabby days and restless nights that seem to point to teething. Also, the pediatrician said that both my top and bottom gums are really swollen and you can feel the teeth buds. Maybe a bunch will come in at once? I don't know if that sounds fun. It doesn't keep me from eating, though. I can gum all kinds of soft, small pieces of fruits, cooked veggies, meats, breads/cereals. I am eating whenever my parents eat or else I get jealous, and most of the time it is what they eat, too, unless it is not baby-friendly.
Okay, this post is long enough. In the next one, I'll have to tell you all about the cool 2 week long trip Mom and I took to North Dakota. It was so much fun! I got to fly on a plane! So cool.
Before I go, a big birthday shout-out to my Grandpa Alfred, my cousin Savannah Wilson (the big 2), and my friend Olivia Miller who is 1 all have birthdays today. September 9th is a pretty special day! Check you later.
Friday, August 10, 2007
A new trick!
Today I learned a new trick. Mom and I went to Subway for lunch. There was a big long line so I watched the cool ceiling fans while we waited. I wish we had some of those at home! They sure are interesting. Anyway, as we waited, a man eating his lunch took a shining to me and started waving at me and smiling. I smiled back. Then it was our turn in line. Later, while we were eating, the same man was exiting the shop and he smiled at me and waved again as he was leaving. This time I waved back! It was the first time I've waved. Mama thought it was so cool.
After Subway, we took a drive to Lawrence again. We stopped to see Mama's friend and former internship supervisor, Tracy, on the KU campus. It was my first time meeting her. She was nice. And I waved goodbye to her, too, as we were leaving her office. This waving thing sure is fun.

Next we stopped to play with the Rack-Meltons. I got to see my girlfriend, Cordelia, again. We played in the playpen together so their big ole dog Ranger wouldn't love on us too much. He loves babies, me included. And I love him, too. Puppy dogs are my favorite. I also love the doggy at the playgroup I go to every Tuesday morning, but I digress.

Anyway, after that we met up with one of Mama's friends, Sarah, and her son Aiden. Mama hadn't seen Sarah since internship and we hadn't met her (almost) 4 month old son yet. He sure is a big boy already. And he already has a tooth! I'm not too jealous, though. We had fun checking each other out, and Mommy and Sarah got to catch up.
It was a pretty good Friday. Hope the weekend is just as good.
After Subway, we took a drive to Lawrence again. We stopped to see Mama's friend and former internship supervisor, Tracy, on the KU campus. It was my first time meeting her. She was nice. And I waved goodbye to her, too, as we were leaving her office. This waving thing sure is fun.

Next we stopped to play with the Rack-Meltons. I got to see my girlfriend, Cordelia, again. We played in the playpen together so their big ole dog Ranger wouldn't love on us too much. He loves babies, me included. And I love him, too. Puppy dogs are my favorite. I also love the doggy at the playgroup I go to every Tuesday morning, but I digress.

Anyway, after that we met up with one of Mama's friends, Sarah, and her son Aiden. Mama hadn't seen Sarah since internship and we hadn't met her (almost) 4 month old son yet. He sure is a big boy already. And he already has a tooth! I'm not too jealous, though. We had fun checking each other out, and Mommy and Sarah got to catch up.
It was a pretty good Friday. Hope the weekend is just as good.
9 Months Old!
I turned three quarters of a year old yesterday! Yes, I am getting to be such a big boy. My pediatrician appointment got rescheduled and won't be until Sept. 4th so it will be more like my 10 month check-up. In the mean time, we'll have to make due with Mommy's calculations. According to her measurements, I am about 29 inches long (67th percentile), I weigh about 23 pounds (80th percentile), and my head is 27.5 inches around (25th percentile). Mommy and Daddy say I am thinning out a bit and getting longer and leaner. I guess that's normal for kiddos my age. I still have plenty of baby chub left, though. I continue to explore new tastes and textures with solid foods and now prefer real solids to purees (although I still love fresh applesauce).
I am also getting around really well and have become an expert crawler. I crawl all over the house. I like to explore and get into tight spaces and anything I'm not supposed to touch. My favorite thing right now is trying to pull down the speaker stand for the small surround sound speaker by the couch in the living room. I have succeeded several times, and each time it falls it scares me. Mommy tries to distract me and has explained several times that it will "fall, go boom" but I am just too curious. They swear I always go for the things I am supposed to stay away from. I am still quite into practicing my standing and cruising around furniture. Now I can hold on with just one hand!
Dada is my new favorite word. I also use Mama frequently as well as Neh, my word for nursing. I can also say Ba but haven't decided if I'll use that for ball or bunny. The other day when Daddy came home, he said "Hello!" and I imitated his inflection. It kind of sounded like "El-O" and my parents were quite impressed. I haven't repeated it since, though. As is normal for 9 month olds, I have entered my separation and stranger anxiety stage now. I still like people, but now I act shy and take a little bit to warm up before I start smiling and jump into a new person's arms. Also, when I decide I want my mom, I make it known! Even when I'm with Dada, I will call for Mom or go find her (now that I'm crawling so well). I really love my Dada, though. Mommy says that it seems like Dada is my happy word and Mama is my upset word. She doesn't like that so much, but Dada is really fun and Mama keeps me safe. Makes sense, right? I am still a happy baby who wears his emotions on his sleeve.
Yesterday was not only my 9 month birthday, but also my parents' 5th wedding anniversary! Happy anniversary Mom and Dad! They celebrated and went out to supper at a fancy restaurant. I spent a few hours with my first official babysitter other than my grandmas. My parents' friend Megan came over and played with me and we had a good time! I didn't cry at all. Mom was very proud of me. The night before, we had a house guest - our friend David Mitchell from Chicago. He and Daddy went to the baseball game that night and then he stayed overnight. He hung out a bit and played with me yesterday. He's fun! So, it was a long and exciting day. Daddy and I fell asleep on the couch together a little before 9pm. Enjoy the pics!
I am also getting around really well and have become an expert crawler. I crawl all over the house. I like to explore and get into tight spaces and anything I'm not supposed to touch. My favorite thing right now is trying to pull down the speaker stand for the small surround sound speaker by the couch in the living room. I have succeeded several times, and each time it falls it scares me. Mommy tries to distract me and has explained several times that it will "fall, go boom" but I am just too curious. They swear I always go for the things I am supposed to stay away from. I am still quite into practicing my standing and cruising around furniture. Now I can hold on with just one hand!
Dada is my new favorite word. I also use Mama frequently as well as Neh, my word for nursing. I can also say Ba but haven't decided if I'll use that for ball or bunny. The other day when Daddy came home, he said "Hello!" and I imitated his inflection. It kind of sounded like "El-O" and my parents were quite impressed. I haven't repeated it since, though. As is normal for 9 month olds, I have entered my separation and stranger anxiety stage now. I still like people, but now I act shy and take a little bit to warm up before I start smiling and jump into a new person's arms. Also, when I decide I want my mom, I make it known! Even when I'm with Dada, I will call for Mom or go find her (now that I'm crawling so well). I really love my Dada, though. Mommy says that it seems like Dada is my happy word and Mama is my upset word. She doesn't like that so much, but Dada is really fun and Mama keeps me safe. Makes sense, right? I am still a happy baby who wears his emotions on his sleeve.
Yesterday was not only my 9 month birthday, but also my parents' 5th wedding anniversary! Happy anniversary Mom and Dad! They celebrated and went out to supper at a fancy restaurant. I spent a few hours with my first official babysitter other than my grandmas. My parents' friend Megan came over and played with me and we had a good time! I didn't cry at all. Mom was very proud of me. The night before, we had a house guest - our friend David Mitchell from Chicago. He and Daddy went to the baseball game that night and then he stayed overnight. He hung out a bit and played with me yesterday. He's fun! So, it was a long and exciting day. Daddy and I fell asleep on the couch together a little before 9pm. Enjoy the pics!
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Nicky Videos
Nicky saying Mama back in April:
Nicky saying Dada in July:
Nicky doing some complaining to the camera:
Nicky crawling around:
Nicky saying Dada in July:
Nicky doing some complaining to the camera:
Nicky crawling around:
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Crawling, Cruising, Eating and Stuff
Hello everyone! Mommy thought I had better get on here and give you guys an update before I turn 8 months old tomorrow. My 7th month was a busy one, let me tell you. First off, I'm now on the move. I started to lunge forward and push up onto all fours at the end of my 6th month. At the beginning of this month, I was moving myself around haphazardly through a combination of lunging, scooting, and minimal crawling. My parents called me "Stealth" because I could move myself from one end of the room to the other, but usually when no one was watching. They thought I might skip regular crawling since I wasn't really interested in perfecting my crawling, and instead I was trying to stand up. In fact, I was pushing up into what looked like a bear walk position, but could never really figure out how to stand up on my own. Mommy told me, "Silly, you need to pull yourself up by holding onto to something like my legs or the furniture." I practiced and now I am indeed pulling up into a standing position and just starting to cruise around furniture. It is my favorite thing to do!! I also figured out the crawling thing and know now how to move my arms and legs together. I could still use a little work on my technique but walking interests me more, I think.
I am now 22 pounds and a bit over 28 inches long. I continue to enjoy babyfood but would prefer to have what Mom and Dad are eating. Mommy did share some of her yummy soft peach with me the other day. She was impressed when I gummed it and ate it instead of just sucking on it. I just want to be like the big people! I hate it when they eat something I can't have yet. But, I am continuing to add more foods to my repertoire every few days so that I will be ready for table foods in a month or so. The only thing I haven't liked so far is mashed potatoes. Mommy and Daddy were surprised by that. Mommy thinks its a texture thing maybe. I also am not sure if I like squash or not. The jury is still out on that one.
Now that its summer, I really enjoy being naked. I prefer no clothes if possible. I also wish I didn't have to have my diaper on much of the time. Its a treat when Mommy lets me go without it for a little bit. Speaking of naked, I am also very into bath time. I like to splash loudly and kick my feet so the water sprays outside the tub! Mommy and Daddy also just got me a baby pool that I tried out for the first time last week. It was fun to splash in it and play with the toys that came with it.
I have been saying Mama for a few months now, and I use it quite often. Not only do I call for my Mom when I want her, but I also tend to say Mama quite loudly when I am upset or want something. I don't know, I guess I figure she usually fixes things for me. I am quite attached to her, too. Just yesterday, however, I finally said Dada a few times. We'll see if I build it into vocabulary along with Mama and lots of grunting. I grunt so much that Mommy and Daddy continue to call me Monkey. It doesn't help that I also like to hang upside down and I can be quite the little card. I like to be tickled (on my feet and my sides) and sometimes funny faces or noises can make me giggle. I also know how to ham it up and be cute to get attention. But watch out if I get frustrated or can't get something I want! I can make quite a ruckus. I guess I am finding my voice. I am also enjoying my toys much more these days and can entertain myself for much longer periods of time. Mommy is thankful for that, although when I'm bored or want to be picked up again, I let her know it!
Well, that's it for now. Happy 30th birthday to my Godmommy, Tiffanni Wax. I can't wait to meet her new baby when he/she arrives later this month.
I am now 22 pounds and a bit over 28 inches long. I continue to enjoy babyfood but would prefer to have what Mom and Dad are eating. Mommy did share some of her yummy soft peach with me the other day. She was impressed when I gummed it and ate it instead of just sucking on it. I just want to be like the big people! I hate it when they eat something I can't have yet. But, I am continuing to add more foods to my repertoire every few days so that I will be ready for table foods in a month or so. The only thing I haven't liked so far is mashed potatoes. Mommy and Daddy were surprised by that. Mommy thinks its a texture thing maybe. I also am not sure if I like squash or not. The jury is still out on that one.
Now that its summer, I really enjoy being naked. I prefer no clothes if possible. I also wish I didn't have to have my diaper on much of the time. Its a treat when Mommy lets me go without it for a little bit. Speaking of naked, I am also very into bath time. I like to splash loudly and kick my feet so the water sprays outside the tub! Mommy and Daddy also just got me a baby pool that I tried out for the first time last week. It was fun to splash in it and play with the toys that came with it.
I have been saying Mama for a few months now, and I use it quite often. Not only do I call for my Mom when I want her, but I also tend to say Mama quite loudly when I am upset or want something. I don't know, I guess I figure she usually fixes things for me. I am quite attached to her, too. Just yesterday, however, I finally said Dada a few times. We'll see if I build it into vocabulary along with Mama and lots of grunting. I grunt so much that Mommy and Daddy continue to call me Monkey. It doesn't help that I also like to hang upside down and I can be quite the little card. I like to be tickled (on my feet and my sides) and sometimes funny faces or noises can make me giggle. I also know how to ham it up and be cute to get attention. But watch out if I get frustrated or can't get something I want! I can make quite a ruckus. I guess I am finding my voice. I am also enjoying my toys much more these days and can entertain myself for much longer periods of time. Mommy is thankful for that, although when I'm bored or want to be picked up again, I let her know it!
Well, that's it for now. Happy 30th birthday to my Godmommy, Tiffanni Wax. I can't wait to meet her new baby when he/she arrives later this month.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Feeding the Monster
I have been eating solid foods for a month and a half now. So far, I have enjoyed most of them, although breast milk is still my favorite (can you blame me?). The only thing that hasn't worked at all is bananas. I puked up the ones I had at my Grandma and Grandpa Laub's house. It was not pretty. I puked 5 times in all. Yucky. Mommy says we'll wait a few months before we try those again! Also, barley cereal is really hard for to digest yet so we backed off on that, too. Below is a list of the foods I've had so far. I am continuing to try single ingredient foods to make sure they all agree with me. Once I have a number of them under my belt, Mommy will mix a few together for me. She has put some of the fruits in my baby cereal already, and I have moved up from soupy smooth purees to slightly chunky food now. So far, applesauce, sweet potatoes, and cherries are my favorites. Mommy is making most of my food from scratch since she has the time and means. Since she like cooking, she has enjoyed cooking for me.
Nicky's Food Diary:
Cereals- rice cereal, oatmeal, barley cereal (shelved for now)
Veggies - carrots, avocado (actually a fruit), sweet potatoes, peas (next up: squash and green beans)
Fruits- bananas (yucky), apples, apricots, bing cherries, watermelon (next up: peaches, pears, and melon)
Nicky's Food Diary:
Cereals- rice cereal, oatmeal, barley cereal (shelved for now)
Veggies - carrots, avocado (actually a fruit), sweet potatoes, peas (next up: squash and green beans)
Fruits- bananas (yucky), apples, apricots, bing cherries, watermelon (next up: peaches, pears, and melon)
My Adventures in Lawrence
Hi guys! Long time, no type, right? Sorry, me and my parents have been busy. For example, last week Wednesday and Thursday Mom and I went to Lawrence Kansas where Mom and Dad used to live and work for awhile. Its only 45 minutes away from KC. Anyway, Mommy was invited to participate in a research meeting for a research grant she used to work on as a Graduate Research Assistant a few years ago. It involved a supper on Wednesday evening and an all-day meeting on Thursday. So, we drove down to Lawrence Wednesday and stayed overnight with our friends the Rack-Meltons. Mommy actually met Jennifer when they worked together at that same job at the Beach Center on Disability at KU.
Jennifer's husband, Phil, volunteered to babysit me along with his 3 kids while Jennifer and Mommy went to the events. Mommy was very thankful but wondered if Phil knew what he was in for. Phil said it was fine since he had to watch his 3 kids anyway, what was one more. Overall, things went pretty well. Mommy was only gone a few hours Wednesday evening. I enjoyed playing with Spencer who is not quite 4, Xavier who is 2.5, and Cordelia who is only 5 days younger than me! I also loved playing with their big doggy, Ranger, who is a Great Dane. I kept trying to french kiss him (you think it would be the other way around, right?). Cordelia and I did get upset right before Mommy and Jennifer came home because Xavier was mad that Spencer woke him up and that set us babies off. We got some crying in but not for long.
Thursday morning Mommy and Jennifer had to be at the meeting for breakfast at 7am sharp. Like my usual self, I wanted to be held by Phil most of the time while Mommy was gone. What can I say, I'm a lap baby for sure. By 11:30am, Mommy and Jennifer both were quite uncomfortable from not feeding us babies in over 4 hours, so Phil brought us to the meeting over lunch so we could get our lunch! That's good because I was continuing to be stubborn and refused to take a bottle again and did not eat much of my babyfood. The afternoon went well until the power went out at the house and the two toddlers started to rebel with no lights, tv, etc. So, Mommy and Jennifer bugged out of the meeting a little bit early to come save him from us. All in all, Mommy thought things turned out well. She says she owes Phil big time. It was just a bit stressful for the both of us since it was the longest we'd been apart and it was just a new situation. I didn't poop the whole time we were away from home! But, I got my normal rhythms back once we got home. I hope we go back to visit soon, although I prefer Mommy to stick around next time.
Jennifer's husband, Phil, volunteered to babysit me along with his 3 kids while Jennifer and Mommy went to the events. Mommy was very thankful but wondered if Phil knew what he was in for. Phil said it was fine since he had to watch his 3 kids anyway, what was one more. Overall, things went pretty well. Mommy was only gone a few hours Wednesday evening. I enjoyed playing with Spencer who is not quite 4, Xavier who is 2.5, and Cordelia who is only 5 days younger than me! I also loved playing with their big doggy, Ranger, who is a Great Dane. I kept trying to french kiss him (you think it would be the other way around, right?). Cordelia and I did get upset right before Mommy and Jennifer came home because Xavier was mad that Spencer woke him up and that set us babies off. We got some crying in but not for long.
Thursday morning Mommy and Jennifer had to be at the meeting for breakfast at 7am sharp. Like my usual self, I wanted to be held by Phil most of the time while Mommy was gone. What can I say, I'm a lap baby for sure. By 11:30am, Mommy and Jennifer both were quite uncomfortable from not feeding us babies in over 4 hours, so Phil brought us to the meeting over lunch so we could get our lunch! That's good because I was continuing to be stubborn and refused to take a bottle again and did not eat much of my babyfood. The afternoon went well until the power went out at the house and the two toddlers started to rebel with no lights, tv, etc. So, Mommy and Jennifer bugged out of the meeting a little bit early to come save him from us. All in all, Mommy thought things turned out well. She says she owes Phil big time. It was just a bit stressful for the both of us since it was the longest we'd been apart and it was just a new situation. I didn't poop the whole time we were away from home! But, I got my normal rhythms back once we got home. I hope we go back to visit soon, although I prefer Mommy to stick around next time.
Friday, June 08, 2007
My first trip to ND!
Me and the rents just got back from my first trip to North Dakota earlier this week. It was a great time!! We were gone for a week and a half, and let me tell ya, we were busy! There were many days of driving. Not my favorite, but I survived by sleeping. Lots. Mommy and Daddy said I'm a good traveler. Despite my many snoozes on the road, I still slept pretty normally at night, too. What I enjoyed best about the trip was all the people I met! I love people! It was great to meet all the friends and relatives my parents have been talking about. I enjoyed smiling at and playing with them all. I was held almost continuously - what a dream! The only problem was that I resisted taking my naps because I didn't want to miss any of the action:) Both sets of grandparents also threatened to keep me, of course!
We heard many different opinions as to who I look like or take after on the trip. Many people said I looked like: my Uncle Dusty, a Laub baby, a Welsch baby, my cousin Jordan Ottmar, my mommy, my cousin Keith Deibert, my daddy, my Great Grandma Ardis and probably a few more that Mommy can't remember. Anyway, its clear that I am a good combination of both of my parents, just as my parents had believed. One of these days Mommy is going to get together some pictures to illustrate some of these comparisons.
Here is a run-down of my meet-and-greets: my uncle Dusty and his friend Josh, my Great Aunt Arlene Brewer, my Grandma and Grandpa Laub, my Great Aunt Beverly Koller, my Great Aunt Mary and Great Uncle David Zentner, my cousin Tyla Wilson and her two daughters Kaydence and Savannah, my Great Aunt Arlene and Great Uncle Floyd Frieze, my cousins Holly and Jeremy Ottmar and thier kids Jordan and Jazlyn, my Godmother Tiffanni Wax and her husband Scott, my dad's former landlord Bernie Swang, my Grandma and Grandpa Huizenga, my Great Grandma Ardis Huizenga, my Great Grandma Eva and Great Grandpa John Deibert, my Aunt Becky Huizenga, my Great Aunt Virg and Great Uncle Dale Deibert, my Great Aunt Theresa Deibert, my Great Aunt Bonnie Iverson, my Great Aunt Barb and Great Uncle Rod Fossen and my cousin Paula, my dad's former piano teacher from childhood Hurdis Johnson, my Grandma Sharon's co-workers up at Glenburn School, my mom's friends from college Jessica Gunderson Ruhl and Amber Hoovestal (Mom and Dad attended Jessica's wedding during our trip), my cousin Toni Miller and her daughter Baylee, my cousin Loretta Frank. Mommy says there were so many more people we just didn't get a chance to see due to our cramped schedule. Thanks to everyone who made the great effort to come see us - we really appreciated it. Hope to see you all again really soon!!
We heard many different opinions as to who I look like or take after on the trip. Many people said I looked like: my Uncle Dusty, a Laub baby, a Welsch baby, my cousin Jordan Ottmar, my mommy, my cousin Keith Deibert, my daddy, my Great Grandma Ardis and probably a few more that Mommy can't remember. Anyway, its clear that I am a good combination of both of my parents, just as my parents had believed. One of these days Mommy is going to get together some pictures to illustrate some of these comparisons.
Here is a run-down of my meet-and-greets: my uncle Dusty and his friend Josh, my Great Aunt Arlene Brewer, my Grandma and Grandpa Laub, my Great Aunt Beverly Koller, my Great Aunt Mary and Great Uncle David Zentner, my cousin Tyla Wilson and her two daughters Kaydence and Savannah, my Great Aunt Arlene and Great Uncle Floyd Frieze, my cousins Holly and Jeremy Ottmar and thier kids Jordan and Jazlyn, my Godmother Tiffanni Wax and her husband Scott, my dad's former landlord Bernie Swang, my Grandma and Grandpa Huizenga, my Great Grandma Ardis Huizenga, my Great Grandma Eva and Great Grandpa John Deibert, my Aunt Becky Huizenga, my Great Aunt Virg and Great Uncle Dale Deibert, my Great Aunt Theresa Deibert, my Great Aunt Bonnie Iverson, my Great Aunt Barb and Great Uncle Rod Fossen and my cousin Paula, my dad's former piano teacher from childhood Hurdis Johnson, my Grandma Sharon's co-workers up at Glenburn School, my mom's friends from college Jessica Gunderson Ruhl and Amber Hoovestal (Mom and Dad attended Jessica's wedding during our trip), my cousin Toni Miller and her daughter Baylee, my cousin Loretta Frank. Mommy says there were so many more people we just didn't get a chance to see due to our cramped schedule. Thanks to everyone who made the great effort to come see us - we really appreciated it. Hope to see you all again really soon!!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Half a Year Old
Hi everybody! Guess what, I am now 6 months old!! Actually, I turned last Wednesday the 9th, but Mom and Dad have been so busy with basement clean-up (see Mommy's blog for an explanation) that we haven't been on the computer much. At my check-up, I weighed in at 20 pounds 8 ounces, 27 1/4 inches long, and I have a 17 inch head. My percentiles are 91st for weight, 80th for height, and 25th for head circumference, so still around the same as last time. I only have a pound and a half to go before I will need a new carseat!! In the last month, I have learned to sit up completely on my own, I started babbling Ma Ma quite impressively, I have finally learned to roll over, and I can scoot myself across the floor when I'm sitting or on my belly, given the right motivation, of course. I also started solid foods last week (baby cereal)which I really enjoy. The food doesn't have much taste, but I like to do anything the big people are doing!!
Yesterday was my first Mother's Day with my mommy. We had fun because my Uncle Daren is in town so we're out and about showing him the city. He sure is funny! He keeps calling my Monkey, Baby Kong, and Michelin Baby. We are having fun hanging out. Tomorrow we are all going to the amusement park. I don't know if I'll get to ride any rides, though. I guess we'll have to wait and see. And today my Mommy turns 30! I am not looking forward to seeing the adults eating cake that I can't have!! Mom says 6 more months and I will get my own cake!!
Yesterday was my first Mother's Day with my mommy. We had fun because my Uncle Daren is in town so we're out and about showing him the city. He sure is funny! He keeps calling my Monkey, Baby Kong, and Michelin Baby. We are having fun hanging out. Tomorrow we are all going to the amusement park. I don't know if I'll get to ride any rides, though. I guess we'll have to wait and see. And today my Mommy turns 30! I am not looking forward to seeing the adults eating cake that I can't have!! Mom says 6 more months and I will get my own cake!!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Monday, April 30, 2007
My Arch Nemisis
I have found my enemy. He goes by the name Bob. Bob the Builder to be exact.
Let me explain... My parents bought a stuffed Bob the Builder toy for me before I was born. He is about 13 inches tall and has a jackhammer he is holding (see picture below). If you push the button on the jackhammer, Bob talks and then his jackhammer vibrates. It is very loud and scary. I do not like it at all. I cry every time he talks. Down with Bob the Builder!
Let me explain... My parents bought a stuffed Bob the Builder toy for me before I was born. He is about 13 inches tall and has a jackhammer he is holding (see picture below). If you push the button on the jackhammer, Bob talks and then his jackhammer vibrates. It is very loud and scary. I do not like it at all. I cry every time he talks. Down with Bob the Builder!

Friday, April 27, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
Another month old and everybody's yucky sick!
Hey everybody! Nickster's back to give you the low down again. Sorry for the delay - I know I turned another month old on Monday (that's 5 for those of you who lost count), but Mommy and Daddy got the flu this week. I only got a touch out it. Guess I have the best immune system of the bunch! Daddy got the start of head cold the end of last week and then ended up coming home from work early on Monday. By Tuesday he was throwing up and everything! Then Mommy got the yuckies that afternoon. Luckily, Mommy's version was not as extensive as Daddy's and went quicker, but neither of them ate for a whole day! I did though:) Anyway, by Wednesday night their tummies were requiring meals, but the food still wasn't settling like it normally would. Guess it will take a few days for them to be back to their old selves.
In other news, I now weigh about 20 pounds which scares Mommy because that means I will need a new carseat soon when I weigh 22 pounds. I am a little over 27 inches long, too. I also got my first haircut last week! Mommy gave my bangs a trim so the long hairs on top didn't get in my eyes and so I didn't look like a girl. She did a pretty good job, I think, although I gave her a hard time by wiggling around while she tried to do it. Luckily, my Bumbo chair held me in place somewhat. That's about it for me. I will have Mom post a new slide show for you soon. I am quite smiley lately so she's getting better at capturing that on camera. Peace out, y'all!
In other news, I now weigh about 20 pounds which scares Mommy because that means I will need a new carseat soon when I weigh 22 pounds. I am a little over 27 inches long, too. I also got my first haircut last week! Mommy gave my bangs a trim so the long hairs on top didn't get in my eyes and so I didn't look like a girl. She did a pretty good job, I think, although I gave her a hard time by wiggling around while she tried to do it. Luckily, my Bumbo chair held me in place somewhat. That's about it for me. I will have Mom post a new slide show for you soon. I am quite smiley lately so she's getting better at capturing that on camera. Peace out, y'all!
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Sitting Pretty
Hi guys! I have been working a bunch on my sitting this month. I sit as much as I can and wherever possible. I don't quite have enough balance and strength to sit upright and unassisted for more than a minute or maybe two, but I can now sit while leaning on my arms for support for many minutes in a row. I still fall over or forward lots, but practice makes perfect! I even try to sit up in my bouncy seat. It has a slight recline to it which is not be my liking anymore. Momma has to be sure to strap me into it now, as you can see, or I can and will squirm out of it. While taking these pictures, I tried to take a nose dive forward, so no more freedom in the bouncy seat for me anymore. Much to Mommy's chagrin, I still am showing no interest in rolling over. She thinks its because I am too chubby to pull it off. How mean, huh? I am much more interested in scooting or working on crawling while I am on my tummy. We'll see what I figure out next.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007
Four Months Old and Growing Up
Hey Everybody! I turned 4 months old on Friday, but Mom thought it best to wait until my doctor's appointment today to give you the low down on my progress on the growth and development fronts. First off, I continue to be a big boy. I weigh in at 17 pounds 10 ounces which is in at the 93rd percentile. I am 26 inches long which is at the 90th percentile. I have graduated to my 6-9 Month size clothes. I continue to have a little Laub head which measures 16 inches and is in the 20th percentile.
All went well at my doctor's appointment, although I had a bunch of shots again, and of course, they hurt! My doctor was impressed with my standing, sitting, and head/trunk control during tummy time. She said not to worry that I haven't rolled over yet. Many kids aren't doing that until 5 months now adays because they sleep on their backs as opposed to their tummies. I will continue my tummy time play and see if I catch on. Mommy and Daddy wonder if I ever will or if I'll just go straight to crawling since I spend my tummy time trying to push up and not rocking back and forth at all before I get fed up and get irritable. My doctor and Mom decided that I will likely wait until 6 months the start on solid foods because of my tummy issues and since breastfeeding is going so well!
In other news, I have recently taken an interest in reading materials such as my books and the newspaper. I like to look at the pictures. I also like to imitate things my parents are doing so I try to type on the computer or use the remote control. I am also paying a lot of attention to how they eat their big kid food. I have also started to laugh and giggle more consistently. One thing that amused me recently was jumping in my jumperoo which Mommy dug out on Friday. My hair hasn't fallen out yet, although it is getting thinner in front. New hair is growing in underneath that looks a little lighter but we still don't know yet if it is lighter brown or dark blond. My old hair is also looking lighter and appears to have a red tone to it. My eyes look like they will stay blue.
Finally, I was a little traveler on Saturday and went with Mommy and our friends Jennifer and her daughter Cordelia to the Kansas La Leche League conference in Hutchinson, Kansas. It was 4 hour drive for me but I did well on the way down by sleeping the whole way. Cordelia was a bit upset and I was getting overstimulated too by the drive home so we took turns crying for the first part of the drive home but then we finally fell asleep again. Anyway, the conference was fun. I liked the change of pace and all the people. Mommy said she enjoyed being around adults and she learned a bit, too.
The weather is so nice now that Mommy and I will likely be getting out and about quite a bit more. Today it was 70+ degrees so we went to the park 6 blocks away from our house. I slept the entire way and took a nice nap at the park, so Mommy wasn't able to give me my first experience on the swing. Next time!
All went well at my doctor's appointment, although I had a bunch of shots again, and of course, they hurt! My doctor was impressed with my standing, sitting, and head/trunk control during tummy time. She said not to worry that I haven't rolled over yet. Many kids aren't doing that until 5 months now adays because they sleep on their backs as opposed to their tummies. I will continue my tummy time play and see if I catch on. Mommy and Daddy wonder if I ever will or if I'll just go straight to crawling since I spend my tummy time trying to push up and not rocking back and forth at all before I get fed up and get irritable. My doctor and Mom decided that I will likely wait until 6 months the start on solid foods because of my tummy issues and since breastfeeding is going so well!
In other news, I have recently taken an interest in reading materials such as my books and the newspaper. I like to look at the pictures. I also like to imitate things my parents are doing so I try to type on the computer or use the remote control. I am also paying a lot of attention to how they eat their big kid food. I have also started to laugh and giggle more consistently. One thing that amused me recently was jumping in my jumperoo which Mommy dug out on Friday. My hair hasn't fallen out yet, although it is getting thinner in front. New hair is growing in underneath that looks a little lighter but we still don't know yet if it is lighter brown or dark blond. My old hair is also looking lighter and appears to have a red tone to it. My eyes look like they will stay blue.
Finally, I was a little traveler on Saturday and went with Mommy and our friends Jennifer and her daughter Cordelia to the Kansas La Leche League conference in Hutchinson, Kansas. It was 4 hour drive for me but I did well on the way down by sleeping the whole way. Cordelia was a bit upset and I was getting overstimulated too by the drive home so we took turns crying for the first part of the drive home but then we finally fell asleep again. Anyway, the conference was fun. I liked the change of pace and all the people. Mommy said she enjoyed being around adults and she learned a bit, too.
The weather is so nice now that Mommy and I will likely be getting out and about quite a bit more. Today it was 70+ degrees so we went to the park 6 blocks away from our house. I slept the entire way and took a nice nap at the park, so Mommy wasn't able to give me my first experience on the swing. Next time!
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