Saturday, December 15, 2007

Baby Signs and Talkin'

Hi Guys! Wanted to let you know that I used my first sign yesterday - for the word "more." Mommy was very excited! She has been trying to teach me some signs since I was about 8 months old (she says she wishes she were more consistent with it, though). Anyway, I think its pretty neat, so now I use that sign all the time. Mommy hopes I learn the signs for "all done" and "diaper" soon. She says that would help us communicate a bunch.

I am also still working on my words. I finally learned how to say "yes" yesterday. We'll see if I get as good at saying and using it as I am with "no." It also sounded like I was trying to say "kitty" yesterday when I was playing with my friend Clayton's cat. I am parroting all kinds of words I hear adults using. Its fun to be like the big people!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I'm 13 Months Old!

Gosh, I am 13 months old already! Seems like my birthday party was just a few days ago. Well, I've been busy this last month. First, I caught a case of roseola, a virus that causes fever and a rash, right around my birthday. The doctor saw my rash at my appointment and diagnosed it. She said I must have had a mild case since it barely affected me. Then me and the rents went to San Diego for Thanksgiving. See the details in the post below. All of us had fun. But, I caught another germ and got sick on the plane ride back. I've had a yucky head cold for the last 2 weeks but am getting better. Guess I am building up my immune system. Cold season is no fun!

These days I am working on using my spoon and fork (I'm not that interested most of the time), shaking my head no and saying no (Mama wishes I'd learn how to say yes), getting people to laugh and laughing when I want to be silly, getting into every nook and cranny of the house (I love the stuff in Daddy's bathroom organizer, pulling the CD's down off their shelves, and trying to un-decorate the Christmas tree), practicing throwing my ball, singing and dancing along to music, saying Yeah randomly, squealing, and talking babytalk like I'm actually having a conversation.

Oh, since Mama forgot to give you my 12 month stats at my doc appointment, here they are: Height - 30.5 inches (75th percentile), Weight - 23lbs. 10oz. (70th percentile), head circumference - 17.75 inches (25th percentile). If you look back at my 9 month stats, it look like I barely grew in length or head circumference these last 2 months! But you might remember that Mommy said that the nurse that month was very generous with her measurements so they weren't very accurate. The doctor said this same thing when she saw my numbers this time. Oh, and my 4th top front tooth finally popped through the other day. That makes 6 total. Mommy is wondering where my other 2 bottom front teeth are hiding!

I think that covers it! I hope I feel all better soon so I can go play with my friends again. I miss playgroup! I was going to go today but now we have a little ice storm outside to deal with so it was canceled. Bummer! Oh, I saw snow for the first time a few days ago. Weird stuff! We sent out Christmas cards to lots of people and I've enjoyed looking at the cards and pictures we're getting in return. Mommy tells me to wish you all Happy Holidays!

Happy Belated Thanksgiving Everyone!

Hi Everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We sure did. I got fly for the third time! We went out to San Diego, CA to my uncle Daren's place. It was so much fun! Uncle Daren is silly and tried to teach me how to run really fast. He also gave me many rides around on his shoulders. His girlfriend, Anna, is my new best friend. She is so nice. She snuggled me and played with me lots. I liked exploring Uncle Daren's new condo. He has steps so I climbed those a bunch. I'd rather skip the coming down on my own part, though. Climbing up the stairs = fun; climbing down the stairs = a waste of my time. I also got to hang out with my Grandma and Grandpa Laub and they were fun as always. They even babysat me one evening which went fine. I fell asleep on Grandpa's chest. We got visit my mom's friend Kim from grad school who also lives in San Diego. I liked playing with her sons Max and Miles. Uncle Daren also showed us the beach and ocean and the Wild Animal Park. We saw lots of animals there, but I think the gorillas were my favorite. I got to pet some of the animals, too. Cool! It was an awesome trip. I enjoyed my Thanksgiving dinner including the turkey, sweet potatoes (my old favorite), and pumpkin pie (a new favorite). I think I am most thankful for my family since they are a bunch of really nice people. Wish I could see everyone more often. The only downside to the whole trip was on the way back home. I got a fever on the plane, but it didn't really bother me too much. I slept during both flights which was a relief to Mommy and Daddy. So, I've been sick with a head cold for the last 2 weeks. Yucky. But its finally going away. Mommy wonders if it was one cold or 2 in a row. I sure was a snotty bugger for a while. It made it really hard for me to breathe at night when I was sleeping. Mommy says that's what she gets for taking me on a plane twice in the matter of a month. Yucky airplane air plus new germs as well as all the excitement and energy wipe-out that comes with vacations means I was susceptible to getting something. Maybe I should be thankful for my health as well. Happy Thanksgiving - hope you are as blessed as I am!

Thursday, December 06, 2007