Thursday, December 28, 2006

My First Bottle

Mommy wondered if I was up to the challenge, and boy was I!! She finally sat down and figured out that strange breast pump contraption and pumped me a big 4 oz. bottle tonight in only around 15 minutes, So, once my 9:30pm feeding rolled around, Daddy got ready to take on the roll of Bottle Feeder Extraordinaire. Mommy stepped out of the room at first so I wouldn't be confused, but that wasn't needed. I was an old pro in no time flat. Within minutes my parents were marveling at how well I was doing. Ain't no big deal! I'm already about 13 pounds so no one should doubt my eating prowess. I even showed them a cool little trick where I held the bottle up by myself (I didn't just prop it up, I gripped it, really!). I drank almost the whole 4 ounces. But now I am sleepy so I had better say goodnight for the evening. I guess this means that soon my parents will be dumping me off on babysitters. Who's up first?!!


Anonymous said...

IF ONLY i was closer, i would get to help with babysitting!!!

happy new year,

Rob, Trish, Olivia, Evan, & Thunder said...

Hey, a 4.5 hour commute to drop you off to let me watch you here in Tulsa isn't too much to ask of your parents is it? After all, they could make a night of it here!! :)