Friday, June 13, 2008

Hi, Hello; Bye, See ya!!!!

I am obsessed with greetings these days. I love saying Hi. And I am an enthusiastic waver. But, my new favorite phrase is "See ya!!" I like to say that as we say goodbye. I also play "goodbye" where I get on my ride-on truck or sit backwards on my push-toy (I use it as a scooter) and wave bye-bye to Mama and Dada and say "See ya!" and they have to say it back. I'm starting to get into the pretend play thing. I also love play kitchens and cleaning tools and anything going on in the kitchen. Mommy jokes that they will have to send me to culinary school. I also love cars and enjoy any chance I get to pretend drive in cars or trucks or grandpa's tractor. I've got the steering wheel thing down!

Well, better say Goodbye again. I gotta take a nap. But I hate saying goodbye!!! I cry every time someone leaves whereever I am at. I love people and want to keep playing with them. Mommy calls me a sensitive social butterfly. Anyway, bye bye, see ya!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Just a quick hello from some of your relatives in Regent who just got your web site from your mother.
take care from Myron & Shirley