Tuesday, June 10, 2008

19 Months Old!!

I turned 19 months old yesterday! I'll try to add some more updates soon, but please be patient. We have be so very busy lately. First of all, I have been teething a ton. Owie!!! In the last month, the last 2 bottom front teeth and all 4 of my first molars broke through. It was so painful. Poor me!

We got back from a 10 day trip to North Dakota last Monday. It was so fun! Since then we've had a garage sale, Mommy and Daddy went to a concert (without me:( ) while I had fun at my babysitter Jessica's house, and I've been participating in a summer school co-op my mommy's parenting group is putting on. This month, I am participating in Parent-Tot gymnastics, Toddler Tunes, and today we took at tour of a farm down in Pleasanton, KS. It was a lot like my Grandpa Bob's farm except this one had pigs, goats, and horses. I really loved the baby kittens they had there - they were only a few weeks old. Anyway, I gotta go take a bath. I got dirty at the farm:)

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