Oopsie! I turned 11 months old on Tuesday and forgot to post my specs. Well, according to the not-always-accurate Mommy measurements, I am 30.5 inches long and the scale says I am 24 pounds about. I have had busy month with: teething (2 and counting), walking (I am getting good at it and pretty brave), exploring (T-R-O-U-B-L-E, I now do stairs), playing (I attend 2 playgroups a week and I've had numerous playdates as of late), eating (Mommy wants to know why I like to eat paper so much), and being silly. I've clapped a few times but don't do it very often. I also like to squeal a bunch.
This coming month will be my last before I turn one! Time flies. There is some exciting stuff on the horizon, I am told. Daddy has a conference in Orlando the 20-25th and we are going with him. Disney World, here I come! When we get back, I get to trick-or-treat for the first time, although Mommy says no candy for me this year. Then, it will be time for my birthday party. I don't know what that is but Daddy keeps telling me I'm gonna like it. I'm going to my first birthday party this weekend for my friend, Lilly, so I guess I will get a preview for what I am in for.