Thursday, January 11, 2007

Fevers Are No Fun

Well, after writing you all last night to tell you how wonderfully I did with my first set of vaccinations, my Baby Tylenol wore off and I developed a little fever. It hovered around 100.5 degrees, but luckily, never got past 101. I tried to smile and coo my way through it, but it did make me a bit whiny, clingy, and tired. Mommy & Daddy stripped me down to my diaper and gave me some more Tylenol as instructed by the doctor. I had a somewhat rough night and wanted to feed every hour to hour and a half. It made me feel better. I still had a fever this morning so Mommy checked in with the nurse who said to keep giving the Tylenol and call again tomorrow if it hadn't broken yet. Mommy let me use her as a pillow, and I slept most of the morning. Finally, at about 2pm, I woke up all sweaty and my fever had broken! Yeh! Now I am back to my old self and am having fun playing. Mommy finally put some clothes back on me, and get this, she finally broke down after hearing I was almost 14 pounds yesterday and put me in one of my never-been-worn 3-6 month sleepers. It feels nice to be in clothes that don't ride up in the arms or legs! Mommy is a bit scared, though, because this sleeper fits me almost too well. She thinks there is no way I will stay in this size for very long, either.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your better now. I might have to go and find you some new clothes.