I turned 27 months old on the 9th:) I just keep growing and learning. So what have I been doing this month, specifically you ask? Well, I have my alphabet down as you've seen in the video I posted in the last entry. I also have my shapes and number up to 10 down and I'm working on the teens now. I have a pretty good grasp of colors and get blue, red, yellow, green and purple right most of the time. Now I'm working on black, brown, white, gray, and pink.
I am obsessed with baseball! Well, all sports, but especially baseball! I have taken a new interest in my baseball-themed room ever since Mom finally put up all my baseball decorative items. (They're the same ones from my room in KC, she tells me, put I don't remember them so they're cool and exciting to me!) I know the baseball terms including strike, hit, helmet, bat, ball, glove, grounder, out, safe, slide, home run, and others.
I have taken (way too much) of a liking to some of the television shows on the Sprout station (PBS station for preschoolers and toddlers) and will watch as much as Mom and Dad let me. My favorites are Caillou, Sesame Street, Thomas the Tank Engine, Bob the Builder, and Rory the Racecar. Sometimes Mommy makes me sad by declaring it TV-free day or turning off the TV when I want to watch more:( But, we have started to get out and about more, so I don't miss it we're on the go. Mommy is also not too excited that I have started to identify all the characters in these shows and talk about them often or point them out if I see them. I love, love, love Caillou (he's a 4 year old boy who stars in a cartoon about himself, for those of you who don't know) and Cookie Monster! They are my favorites. I now call all race cars Rory after Rory the racecar. I know the Thomas trains' names better than Mommy does.
I have also taken a big interest in art. I love to color with crayons and finger paints and watercolor paints and markers. I don't understand why it can't be art time ALL THE TIME! Hmm, what else...? I am quite the loud, boisterous little boy. I will to SHOUT and SQUEAL! I like to run around in circles and spin to get my energy out. My favorite time is when Daddy gives me horsie rides on his back or Mommy gives me airplane rides on her legs/feet. I also like to jump and tumble. Mommy really needs to get me a mini trampoline already! Recently I have taken to climbing on our leather rocker/recliner and diving onto the couch next to it. Mommy keeps telling me to be careful and says I'm gonna end up with stitches again soon.
Oh yeah! Forgot to tell ya! I was climbing on the cupboards in the kitchen a few weeks ago and slipped and landed belly then chin first on the ceramic tile floor! Ouch! I got quite a deep cut and it hurt so bad! I screamed for quite awhile while Mommy held a towel on it to get the bleeding to stop. Luckily it didn't take long. Then Mommy and Daddy and I headed to the emergency room (my first time there). They put some numbing gel on the cut for about 20 minutes and then the doc came in to stitch me up. Everyone kept going on and on about how hard it was gonna be and how I probably would freak out when they tried to hold me still. But I didn't! One nurse held my head still, the doc put towels on my face around the cut, and Mom held my hands and told me exactly what was going on, play by play style. I held so still and was so brave! I stayed very quiet and only asked for Mommy and Daddy once since those towels made it hard to see! Once Mommy reassured me that they were both still there, I settled right away. Everyone kept going on and on about how well I did, how brave I was, and how amazed they were. Mommy kept thanking me for holding still and staying calm. I don't know what the big deal was, I mean, yes, it was scary and weird, but I had my parents there, everyone was staying calm, and as long as I knew what was going on, I wasn't too worried. So, I ended up with 5 stitches.
Five days later I went to my family doctor and she took them out. She was amazed at how well I held still, too. And let me tell you, getting them out was even harder because the stitches were stuck in the scabs and I didn't have numbing medicine this time! But the doc stopped and took a little break every time I said ouch and I resettled and pretty soon we were done! I got a bunch of stickers and coloring book out of the mess so that was nice! Now I have an inch and half scar on my chin, but Mommy is rubbing it with Vit. E and Mederma, so hopefully it will fade over time. Mommy says, please, no more trips to the ER!
Hmmm, so back to talking about playing! I like going down to my playroom/rec room downstairs so I can play with my trains, play my piano keyboard, cook on my play kitchen, or bounce on the exercise ball! I also have a stash of smaller toys in my closet and some in the living room. If I'm not playing with my cars or my many balls, I'm reading. My favorite books right now are The Roar of a Snore; Moo, Ba, La, La, La; The Very Lonely Firefly; and Dogs (a Dr. Seuss book). I have many of my books memorized and I can shout out parts of the books as Mommy or Daddy reads them.
If I'm not reading, I'm usually listening to music with Daddy. I love music! I memorize the words to my favorite songs (like Hiroshima by Ben Folds, You Don't Know me by Ben Folds, and So Happy by Theory of a Deadman as well as the classic, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star) and sing along with them when Daddy plays them on the computer. Daddy also showed me how to drum, and I am quite the headbanger!! Music is the best!
Enjoy the yet another monthly slideshow:
As we read your latest blog news,
it is Valentine's Day today and we
send you all our love and lotsa
you are growing up so fast and we
enjoy "Nicky's World" so much where
we can see and watch you as you
grow. You are ONE special BOY & we
love you very much!
XXXOOO Grandma & Grandpa Laub
I never realized that your eyes were the same shade as your Mommy's...until these pics with her darker hair - I like it, brings out her blue eyes!
Thanks for your birthday message to Max! We think your learning tower is a good idea! Max had a hard fall on his head from standing on a kitchen chair.
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