Saturday, March 31, 2007
Sitting Pretty
Hi guys! I have been working a bunch on my sitting this month. I sit as much as I can and wherever possible. I don't quite have enough balance and strength to sit upright and unassisted for more than a minute or maybe two, but I can now sit while leaning on my arms for support for many minutes in a row. I still fall over or forward lots, but practice makes perfect! I even try to sit up in my bouncy seat. It has a slight recline to it which is not be my liking anymore. Momma has to be sure to strap me into it now, as you can see, or I can and will squirm out of it. While taking these pictures, I tried to take a nose dive forward, so no more freedom in the bouncy seat for me anymore. Much to Mommy's chagrin, I still am showing no interest in rolling over. She thinks its because I am too chubby to pull it off. How mean, huh? I am much more interested in scooting or working on crawling while I am on my tummy. We'll see what I figure out next.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007
Four Months Old and Growing Up
Hey Everybody! I turned 4 months old on Friday, but Mom thought it best to wait until my doctor's appointment today to give you the low down on my progress on the growth and development fronts. First off, I continue to be a big boy. I weigh in at 17 pounds 10 ounces which is in at the 93rd percentile. I am 26 inches long which is at the 90th percentile. I have graduated to my 6-9 Month size clothes. I continue to have a little Laub head which measures 16 inches and is in the 20th percentile.
All went well at my doctor's appointment, although I had a bunch of shots again, and of course, they hurt! My doctor was impressed with my standing, sitting, and head/trunk control during tummy time. She said not to worry that I haven't rolled over yet. Many kids aren't doing that until 5 months now adays because they sleep on their backs as opposed to their tummies. I will continue my tummy time play and see if I catch on. Mommy and Daddy wonder if I ever will or if I'll just go straight to crawling since I spend my tummy time trying to push up and not rocking back and forth at all before I get fed up and get irritable. My doctor and Mom decided that I will likely wait until 6 months the start on solid foods because of my tummy issues and since breastfeeding is going so well!
In other news, I have recently taken an interest in reading materials such as my books and the newspaper. I like to look at the pictures. I also like to imitate things my parents are doing so I try to type on the computer or use the remote control. I am also paying a lot of attention to how they eat their big kid food. I have also started to laugh and giggle more consistently. One thing that amused me recently was jumping in my jumperoo which Mommy dug out on Friday. My hair hasn't fallen out yet, although it is getting thinner in front. New hair is growing in underneath that looks a little lighter but we still don't know yet if it is lighter brown or dark blond. My old hair is also looking lighter and appears to have a red tone to it. My eyes look like they will stay blue.
Finally, I was a little traveler on Saturday and went with Mommy and our friends Jennifer and her daughter Cordelia to the Kansas La Leche League conference in Hutchinson, Kansas. It was 4 hour drive for me but I did well on the way down by sleeping the whole way. Cordelia was a bit upset and I was getting overstimulated too by the drive home so we took turns crying for the first part of the drive home but then we finally fell asleep again. Anyway, the conference was fun. I liked the change of pace and all the people. Mommy said she enjoyed being around adults and she learned a bit, too.
The weather is so nice now that Mommy and I will likely be getting out and about quite a bit more. Today it was 70+ degrees so we went to the park 6 blocks away from our house. I slept the entire way and took a nice nap at the park, so Mommy wasn't able to give me my first experience on the swing. Next time!
All went well at my doctor's appointment, although I had a bunch of shots again, and of course, they hurt! My doctor was impressed with my standing, sitting, and head/trunk control during tummy time. She said not to worry that I haven't rolled over yet. Many kids aren't doing that until 5 months now adays because they sleep on their backs as opposed to their tummies. I will continue my tummy time play and see if I catch on. Mommy and Daddy wonder if I ever will or if I'll just go straight to crawling since I spend my tummy time trying to push up and not rocking back and forth at all before I get fed up and get irritable. My doctor and Mom decided that I will likely wait until 6 months the start on solid foods because of my tummy issues and since breastfeeding is going so well!
In other news, I have recently taken an interest in reading materials such as my books and the newspaper. I like to look at the pictures. I also like to imitate things my parents are doing so I try to type on the computer or use the remote control. I am also paying a lot of attention to how they eat their big kid food. I have also started to laugh and giggle more consistently. One thing that amused me recently was jumping in my jumperoo which Mommy dug out on Friday. My hair hasn't fallen out yet, although it is getting thinner in front. New hair is growing in underneath that looks a little lighter but we still don't know yet if it is lighter brown or dark blond. My old hair is also looking lighter and appears to have a red tone to it. My eyes look like they will stay blue.
Finally, I was a little traveler on Saturday and went with Mommy and our friends Jennifer and her daughter Cordelia to the Kansas La Leche League conference in Hutchinson, Kansas. It was 4 hour drive for me but I did well on the way down by sleeping the whole way. Cordelia was a bit upset and I was getting overstimulated too by the drive home so we took turns crying for the first part of the drive home but then we finally fell asleep again. Anyway, the conference was fun. I liked the change of pace and all the people. Mommy said she enjoyed being around adults and she learned a bit, too.
The weather is so nice now that Mommy and I will likely be getting out and about quite a bit more. Today it was 70+ degrees so we went to the park 6 blocks away from our house. I slept the entire way and took a nice nap at the park, so Mommy wasn't able to give me my first experience on the swing. Next time!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
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