Hello everyone! Mommy thought I had better get on here and give you guys an update before I turn 8 months old tomorrow. My 7
th month was a busy one, let me tell you. First off, I'm now on the move. I started to lunge forward and push up onto all fours at the end of my 6
th month. At the beginning of this month, I was moving myself around haphazardly through a combination of lunging, scooting, and minimal crawling. My parents called me "Stealth" because I could move myself from one end of the room to the other, but usually when no one was watching. They thought I might skip regular crawling since I wasn't really interested in perfecting my crawling, and instead I was trying to stand up. In fact, I was pushing up into what looked like a bear walk position, but could never really figure out how to stand up on my own. Mommy told me, "Silly, you need to pull yourself up by holding onto to something like my legs or the furniture." I practiced and now I am indeed pulling up into a standing position and just starting to cruise around furniture. It is my favorite thing to do!! I also figured out the crawling thing and know now how to move my arms and legs together. I could still use a little work on my technique but walking interests me more, I think.
I am now 22 pounds and a bit over 28 inches long. I continue to enjoy
babyfood but would prefer to have what Mom and Dad are eating. Mommy did share some of her yummy soft peach with me the other day. She was impressed when I gummed it and ate it instead of just sucking on it. I just want to be like the big people! I hate it when they eat something I can't have yet. But, I am continuing to add more foods to my
repertoire every few days so that I will be ready for table foods in a month or so. The only thing I haven't liked so far is mashed potatoes. Mommy and Daddy were
surprised by that. Mommy thinks its a texture thing maybe. I also am not sure if I like squash or not. The jury is still out on that one.
Now that its summer, I really enjoy being naked. I prefer no clothes if possible. I also wish I didn't have to have my diaper on much of the time. Its a treat when Mommy lets me go without it for a little bit. Speaking of naked, I am also very into bath time. I like to splash loudly and kick my feet so the water sprays outside the tub! Mommy and Daddy also just got me a baby pool that I tried out for the first time last week. It was fun to splash in it and play with the toys that came with it.
I have been saying Mama for a few months now, and I use it quite often. Not only do I call for my Mom when I want her, but I also tend to say Mama quite loudly when I am upset or want something. I don't know, I guess I figure she usually fixes things for me. I am quite attached to her, too. Just yesterday, however, I finally said Dada a few times. We'll see if I build it into vocabulary along with Mama and lots of grunting. I grunt so much that Mommy and Daddy continue to call me Monkey. It doesn't help that I also like to hang upside down and I can be quite the little card. I like to be tickled (on my feet and my sides) and sometimes funny faces or noises can make me giggle. I also know how to ham it up and be cute to get attention. But watch out if I get frustrated or can't get something I want! I can make quite a ruckus. I guess I am finding my voice. I am also enjoying my toys much more these days and can entertain myself for much longer periods of time. Mommy is thankful for that, although when I'm bored or want to be picked up again, I let her know it!
Well, that's it for now. Happy 30
th birthday to my
Tiffanni Wax. I can't wait to meet her new baby when he/she arrives later this month.