Hey everybody!
Nickster's back to give you the low down again. Sorry for the delay - I know I turned another month old on Monday (that's 5 for those of you who lost count), but Mommy and Daddy got the flu this week. I only got a touch out it. Guess I have the best immune system of the bunch! Daddy got the start of head cold the end of last week and then ended up coming home from work early on Monday. By Tuesday he was throwing up and everything! Then Mommy got the
yuckies that afternoon. Luckily, Mommy's version was not as extensive as Daddy's and went quicker, but neither of them ate for a whole day! I did though:) Anyway, by Wednesday night their tummies were requiring meals, but the food still wasn't settling like it normally would. Guess it will take a few days for them to be back to their old selves.
In other news, I now weigh about 20 pounds which scares Mommy because that means I will need a new
carseat soon when I weigh 22 pounds. I am a little over 27 inches long, too. I also got my first haircut last week! Mommy gave my bangs a trim so the long hairs on top didn't get in my eyes and so I didn't look like a girl. She did a pretty good job, I think, although I gave her a hard time by wiggling around while she tried to do it. Luckily, my
Bumbo chair held me in place somewhat. That's about it for me. I will have Mom post a new slide show for you soon. I am quite smiley lately so she's getting better at capturing that on camera. Peace out, y'all!