Friday, March 14, 2008

16 Months Old!

My Vocabulary: Mommy, Daddy, Yucky, Owie, Uh-Oh, Kitty, Go, Didy, Yummy, Hi/Hello, No, Yeah, working on Thank you and Good Night

My Signs: More, Diaper, All Done, Eat, Drink, working on Sleepy/Tired

My Loves: exploring, playing with the big kids, practicing my words/talking, copying the big people, computers, the bathroom, watching Mommy cook, roughhousing and wrestling with Daddy (I pin him!), climbing, running, being outside, bouncing and jumping, singing and music, answering the phone (Hello, hello, hi, hello), using my fork and spoon (I can spear a Cheerio with my fork!), baths, books, making noise and screaming, my shoes

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