Saturday, December 15, 2007

Baby Signs and Talkin'

Hi Guys! Wanted to let you know that I used my first sign yesterday - for the word "more." Mommy was very excited! She has been trying to teach me some signs since I was about 8 months old (she says she wishes she were more consistent with it, though). Anyway, I think its pretty neat, so now I use that sign all the time. Mommy hopes I learn the signs for "all done" and "diaper" soon. She says that would help us communicate a bunch.

I am also still working on my words. I finally learned how to say "yes" yesterday. We'll see if I get as good at saying and using it as I am with "no." It also sounded like I was trying to say "kitty" yesterday when I was playing with my friend Clayton's cat. I am parroting all kinds of words I hear adults using. Its fun to be like the big people!

1 comment:

Sarah, Nathen, Aiden, and Evan said...

Yeah Nicky!!!That's awesome that you are using a sign and learning more words. My mommy is trying to use baby signs with me too, but she's not that consistent but she tries:)