Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I'm a Big Boy! With a Few Owies:(

I went to see the doctor today for my 2 month check-up. My cool doctor is a UND graduate and originally from Grand Forks, ND. She was suprised at how big I had gotten. And the scale confirmed that I am strong like bull. I weigh just shy of 14 pounds at 13 pounds 14 ounces - that's at the 90th percentile for weight for babies my age! I am also pretty long: 23.5 inches. That's at the 75th percentile for length. Stupid Mommy and Daddy call me Fathead sometimes, but actually, my head is on the small side - only 15 inches in circumference. Mommy says that its my chubby cheeks that make my face look plump. She also thinks that my long body frame and more proportional head (instead of the usual huge heads that most babies have for their bodies) make me look like an older kid instead of a baby.

The not-so-fun part of the visit came when I got my shots. I first knew something was up when the nurse gave me this gooey stuff to drink (Baby Tylenol). I protested at first, but it wasn't that bad. Following that, I had to drink another dropper full of stuff. Again, not so bad. Then the mean doctor poked me 3 times in my thighs! Ow!! I cried mightely at first, but settled down once I was back in Mommy's arms. She says I was a trooper and did great because I haven't been cranky since the shots. We ran errands around town at Walmart, Kohls, and Sears after the check-up. I took some naps in my stroller but when I was up I was pretty happy. I even smiled at a stranger in the check-out line at Kohls. I'm a social butterfly!

But now its nap time. Mommy says I also get more of that grape Tylenol stuff. Its not milk, but I guess I'll humor Mommy and slurp it down again.


Anonymous said...

Way to go Nicky. Sounds like all is going good. Any updated pics of ya yet. I would like to see how big you are now..

NickH said...

Umm, how about the ones below on the previous post?

I'll get those two slackers to get a new album up soon.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.